Talk: Why Should You Care About the 24 Cosmic Principles – Br. Shankara

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Talk: Why Should You Care About the 24 Cosmic Principles

Speaker: Br. Shankara

February 25, 2018

Click for PDF of Notes and Quotes from this talk.

February is a month for study of Karma Yoga, a spiritual path leading to the abandonment of selfishness, and freedom form worry and care.

As a karma yogi, you practice offering all your thoughts, actions, and perceptions to the Divine Presence. Even before fully knowing this Presence, you hold firmly to the belief that the Presence is within each person or other living being that you interact with or serve. Working and abiding in this spirit, you are increasingly able to release attachment to your activities and their results.

This yields the freedom promised by Karma Yoga.

Basic texts we study here — Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna — all refer to a system of belief called Samkhya. One of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy, Samkhya is a comprehensive cosmology that includes the 24 Cosmic Principles.

Sage Kapila wrote the Samkhya-sutras in the 6th or 7th Century BCE. Without some understanding of his unique description of how the universe came to be and how it works, it is hard to fully grasp what Sri Ramakrishna, Sage Patanjali, and Lord Krishna are trying to teach us.

In this talk we enumerate each of the 24 principles, and explore Kapila’s very rational explanation of who we are and what we experience. Texts from the books mentioned above will be used to illustrate the principles’ significance in your everyday spiritual practice.

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