Mechanics of Transformation – Swami Brahmavidyananda

Sunday, February 21, 2016 [jbox color="white"][mp3t track="2016-02-21-swami-brahmavidyananda-mechanics-of-transformation.mp3" play="Listen Now -" stop="Pause -" title=""Mechanics of Transformation" – Swami Brahmavidyananda"] Or download the MP3 to your computer, and listen offline. To move…

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Guided Meditation: I am an Empty Shell, Therefore I am Full – Steven J. Gold

Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016 [jbox color="white"][mp3t track="2016-02-07-steven-gold-guided-meditation-opening-of-genesis.mp3" play="Listen Now -" stop="Pause -" title=""Guided Meditation:I am an Empty Shell, Therefore I am Full" – Steven Gold"] Or download the MP3 to…

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Raimon Panikkar and the Experience of Christian Identity in a Pluralist World – Scotty Greene

Sunday, December 20, 2015 [jbox color="white"][mp3t track="2015-12-20-scotty-greene-raimon-panikkar.mp3" play="Listen Now -" stop="Pause -" title=""Raimon Panikkar and the Experience of Christian Identity in a Pluralist World" – Scotty Greene"] Or download the…

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