Sunday, May 17, 2015
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A good deal of spiritual and religious expression, like the paths of bhakti and karma, is engaged in exploring phenomena whereby spiritual realities are experienced as or through form and ritual. Another avenue of spiritual expression and experience focuses more on the abstract, the formless, like the paths of jnana and raja. This presentation will focus on the intersection between these various approaches, which are not mutually exclusive, and on meditation as a practice that can help access and heighten all of these expressions. Can the abstract, the intangible, the formless feel “real”? And what is the origin of all of these forms? Are they mere projections, fabrications of the human mind seeking to make concrete and comprehensible in more digestible pieces something that is difficult to grasp and comprehend? Or are they something more, expressions originating from other dimensions that we can access to provide us with inspiration and guidance?