Sunday, September 28, 2014
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Swami Prabhavananda* headed the Vedanta Society of Southern California (VSSC) from 1931 until his death on July 4, 1976. He had many disciples to whom he gave private instruction. Some of these teachings came to the attention of Edith Tipple (Nalini), through her work on the VSSC’s Archives Project.
An accomplished writer-editor, Nalini selected seven of the swami’s instructions to publish on the last page of her book, “Realizing God.” Whether by design or by Providence, his sayings move the reader’s attention from a dualistic perspective, to a qualified non-dual meditation practice, to full realization of Oneness with the Divine.
Those 16 lines of instruction are the subject of this talk.
*Swami Prabhavananda is the disciple of Swami Brahmananda (Raja Maharaj). Sri Ramakrishna and Holy Mother said Raja Maharaj was their spiritual son; he served as the first President of the Ramakrishna Order until 1922.