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Talk: Swami Vivekananda’s Jnana Yoga
– Br. Shankara
January 20, 2019
Click for NOTES & QUOTES from the talk (PDF)

January is a month for study of Jnana Yoga (Advaita Vedanta). As a jnana yogi, you practice discrimination, reason, detachment, and satyagraha (insistence on Truth). The goal is freedom from limitation (mukti). Our teachers say that all miseries in life are caused by seeing inaccurately. An earnest and persistent jnani may break through this misapprehension (maya) and see only the Divine Presence everywhere, in everything and everyone.
When we learn to see accurately, what will we see?
Swami Vivekananda said: “Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep; you are souls immortal, spirits free, blest and eternal; ye are not matter, ye are not bodies; matter is your servant, not you the servant of matter. …
“Each (one of you) is only a conduit for the infinite ocean of knowledge and power that lies behind mankind. …
“(This) Knowledge of the Absolute depends on no book, upon nothing; it is absolute in itself. No amount of study will give this Knowledge. It is not theory; it is realization.
Cleanse the dust from the mirror, purify your own mind, and in a flash you will know you are Brahman … In one sense Brahman is known to every human being: he knows, ‘I am.’ But man does not know himself as he is.
We all know that we are, but not what we are … (Our) lower explanations are partial truths; but … the essence of the Vedas is that the Self in each of us is Brahman …”
In this talk, we explore Swamiji’s ideas in more detail.
Note: There is silent meditation in the Chapel from 10:30-11am, before each Sunday’s talk. After the talk, devotees and friends meet in the Monastery from noon to 1:30pm, for tea, coffee, snacks and a continuation of our spiritual fellowship. Spiritual talks and classes are open to the public and free of charge.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url=”https://vedantaatlanta.org/audio-archive-of-past-talks/” button_text=”Talk Archive” button_alignment=”center” admin_label=”Button – Talk Archive” _builder_version=”3.16.1″ custom_button=”on” button_text_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.96)” button_bg_color=”#9f4204″ button_border_width=”4″ button_border_color=”#d59952″ button_letter_spacing=”1″ button_font=”|700|||||||” button_icon=”%%372%%” background_layout=”dark”][/et_pb_button][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_sidebar area=”sidebar-1″ _builder_version=”3.16.1″][/et_pb_sidebar][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]