Sunday, March 12, 2017
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March is a month for study of Raja Yoga, a spiritual path often called the yoga of meditation. As a raja yogi, you use ancient, proven spiritual techniques to quiet the mind and gain control of your attention. Regular daily practice of concentration may lead to meditation, which can reveal the Divine Presence within and liberate you from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Swami Swahananda headed the Vedanta Society of Southern California from December 1976 until his mahasamadhi in October 2012. Here is a short prayer often recited by Swahanandaji:
You are the source of infinite energy;
fill me with that energy.
You are the source of infinite strength;
endow me with that strength.
You are the source of infinite courage;
inspire me with that courage.
You are the source of infinite fortitude;
grant me that fortitude.
Energy — strength — courage — fortitude: these are four fruits of spiritual practice as taught by Sri Ramakrishna. The Master’s prescription for practice was simple; its ingredients were truthfulness, integrity, and a deep yearning for spiritual wisdom and understanding.
To know God or Truth is the purpose of human life, Ramakrishna said. And he promised that when you truly make that your first priority, everything else finds its proper place.
On Sunday morning we will explore these thoughts, and compare them with Christ’s teaching, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” — Matthew 6:33 (NLT)