Sunday, May 15, 2016
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Chaitanya’s Prayer is recited every morning in temples, convents and monasteries of the Vedanta Society of Southern California, and other Vedanta centers in the U.S., including our own.
Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood* interpreted the Prayer for English speakers. It brings Bhakti Yoga — devotional spiritual practice — and its results into sharp focus in about three minutes. The Prayer’s language is intense — it can be thought of as one of the most beautiful love songs ever chanted.
Chaitanya calls forth the heart’s bliss, instructs the mind in how to overcome obstacles, and, in the voice of the spiritually awakening heart and mind, speaks lovingly and directly to the Divine within.

*Swami Prahavananda led the Vedanta Society of Southern California from the early 1930s until his mahasamadhi on July 4, 1976. Isherwood — a highly regarded novelist — was the Swami’s disciple. They collaborated on many of the Swami’s works in English.