Fall Retreat 2016 – Pravrajika Vidyaprana

“Liberation or Freedom from the Non-Self Seeing Through the 24 Cosmic Principles”
A Participatory Experience with Pravrajika Vidyaprana

Swami Vivekananda said:

Is God’s book finished? Or is it still a continuous revelation going on? …We stand in the present, but open ourselves to the infinite future. …Salutation to all the prophets of the past, to all the great ones of the present, and to all that are to come in the future!

Traditional spiritual teachings on the nature of the Self relied on metaphysical explanations, leading to the common erroneous understanding that Brahman is something else. But the 20th century yielded a handful of teaches of non-duality who have pushed the limits of explanation beyond traditional arguments.

Using the twenty-four cosmic principles as a jumping off point, we will delve further into the insights provided by physics and the psycho-biological sciences. They experimentally reinforce and expand modern advaita’s understanding of how the ego or ‘sense of I’ grows until it dominates our entire human experience.

As much as possible, we will leave behind the language of substance and becoming in favor of the language of appearance and seeming. Then, via a few participatory exercises, we will explore various ways in which various modern advaitic teachers have shown us how to systematically dismantle this false identity, culminating in the ultimate freedom of the spirit.

Pravrajika Vidyapranaji is a nun of the Ramakrishna Order, based at the Vedanta Society of Southern California’s convent in Hollywood CA.

NOTE: Due to technical issues, we are having to work a little harder to bring you the audio from Friday (Part 1) and the Saturday morning session (Part 2a) … they will be added soon. Meanwhile, the following portions are available now for you to listen to or download. We apologize for the delay.

Saturday, September 17, 2016 – AFTERNOON SESSION

[jbox color=”white”][mp3t track=”2016-09-17-pravrajika-vidyaprana-weekend-retreat-part2b.mp3″ play=”Listen Now -” stop=”Pause -” title=”"Weekend Retreat – Part 2B" – Pravrajika Vidyaprana”]

Or download the MP3 to your computer, and listen offline.
To move forward/backward through the talk, slide the gray bar that appears once audio is playing.


Sunday, September 18, 2016 – FINAL SESSION

[jbox color=”white”][mp3t track=”2016-09-18-pravrajika-vidyaprana-weekend-retreat-part3.mp3″ play=”Listen Now -” stop=”Pause -” title=”"Weekend Retreat – Part 3" – Pravrajika Vidyaprana”]

Or download the MP3 to your computer, and listen offline.
To move forward/backward through the talk, slide the gray bar that appears once audio is playing.
